Five Signs You Need Glasses

Wiley X
Five Signs You Need Glasses Five Signs You Need Glasses

Let’s face it, we have busy lives and as a result, little things we don’t often think of get neglected. Your glasses are the perfect example of this. Most glasses have a shelf-life, and because of our busy lives, purchasing new glasses often gets pushed to the side. How do you know when it is time to upgrade? Your eyes may be giving you subtle hints, that you might be missing. 

 Top 5 Signs to be be aware of:

  1. There is physical damage. When we find the perfect pair of glasses, we tend to clutch on them and keep them as long as possible. However, you are doing yourself a disservice by not replacing your banged up pair of glasses. Damage to your lenses can compromise your field of vision, which can be dangerous and lead to unnecessary eyestrain.
  2. Dry, achy, watery eyes and frequently feeling tired are symptoms of eyestrain from glare from the sun and harsh reflections. New prescription sunglasses that block UV rays will alleviate these issues and give your eyes a break.
  3. Look for the subtle hints. Do you notice yourself getting frequent headaches and neckaches? Do you feel nauseous? More screen time, reading, driving and dry, unfiltered air for extended periods of time means more eyestrain. It is time to see the optometrist for a checkup. It could be something as simple as having your frames realigned.
  4. An out-of-date prescription can cause eyestrain and is often the culprit behind reoccurring headaches. Sometimes it can be one of your eyes changing, while the other stays the same. When this happens, it causes your brain to interpret two separate images. This has been known to cause nausea, double vision or even vertigo.
  5. Have you changed your career? Many jobs require protective eyewear. Chances are your current frames and lenses will not cut it. Premium eyeglass companies create eyewear with shatterproof polycarbonate lenses and protection against high-mass and high-velocity projectiles. If you need corrective lenses, prescription safety eyewear removes additional threats that occur when particulates get lodged in the contact lens.  

Eyewear that is fully optimized for fit and function can reduce eye stress, improve alertness and prevent accidents as a result of compromised vision.