Wiley X is proud to partner with The National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation

Wiley X
Wiley X is proud to partner with The National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation Wiley X is proud to partner with The National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation
Wiley X is thrilled to be the presenting sponsor of a new speaker lineup titled, ‘Valor Through the Lens of the Recipient.’ This series, occurring twice annually throughout the country, will share incredible stories and life lessons directly from Medal of Honor recipients,” said Myles Freeman, Jr., President and Co-Owner of Wiley X. “Our company was founded with a mission of supporting those on the front lines, and we believe their stories must be told. Our partnership with the National Medal of Honor Museum will do just that – tell the stories of true American heroes so that future generations may be inspired to do good in the world. Our product protects these heroes on the battlefield, and this partnership will protect and preserve their legacies for generations to come.

Wiley X is privileged to help amplify these voices from the military community. This series will offer inspirational firsthand experiences, and encourage Americans to emulate the values heroically shown by these award recipients. 

The Medal of Honor: Highest Recognition of Valor

The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest recognition of valor in combat and was established by President Abraham Lincoln in 1861. This award has been earned through every major conflict in our nation’s history since the Civil War and commemorates those willing to risk their lives to protect and serve their country and American ideals.

“Our company has a heritage from experiences on the battlefield, and we want to help share other similar stories,” said Dan Freeman, CEO and Co-Owner of Wiley X. “We know how invaluable these voices are, and we will always feel compelled to help them be heard.” 

The stories of Medal of Honor recipients embody the spirit and values of the award itself: courage, commitment, sacrifice, integrity, citizenship, patriotism, and more. These stories need to be shared to inspire future generations, and Wiley X is thrilled to work with The National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation to support the military community.

The Future National Medal of Honor Museum

The Medal of Honor Museum Foundation was designed in part to bring the National Medal of Honor Museum to life. The Arlington Museum will preserve, share, and harness the stories and values of Medal of Honor recipients. Wiley X is honored to sponsor and support these efforts to inspire Americans with these lasting legacies.

The National Medal of Honor Museum will be opening in Arlington, TX, in 2025. During the museum’s construction, Wiley X will be honored to support this new speaker series to share inspiring front-line stories of military men and women that we tirelessly strive to protect.