Jeremiah Doughty

Jeremiah Doughty’s passion for the preparation of wild game began in the home. He has an allergy to beef which led him to experimenting with wild game. His journey as a stay-at-home dad inspired him to step outside the box when it comes to preparing food for his family. He raises his children on the importance of knowing where their food comes from. Outside of hunting, the family frequents locally owned farms and farmers markets for their produce. “I want my daughters to see it, touch it, feel it and smell it,” Jeremiah says. “If you want a good carrot, you aren’t going to find it wrapped in a bag in a grocery store.” He spends Sundays hammering out the details for every meal throughout the week. The main protein to all these meals, wild game.

As an organic meat harvester, his love for hunting presents the exciting challenge of how to utilize the whole animal. “For me, the beginning of a hunting show should start with the trigger and end with the food,” Jeremiah says. “Hunting is about using the whole animal. I literally use every ounce.” From rendering deer fat to make candles and soaps to smoking the esophagus for his dog and tanning the hides, he teaches to avoid waste at all costs. His innovative ideas have inspired many other hunters to rethink how they utilize their harvest.

Jeremiah thrives in the preparation of unique dishes from wild game. On his website,, you can find dozens of hunting and instructional videos and recipes on making playful dishes you’d have trouble finding elsewhere. From dove popper pizza to wild boar shooters, his creatively designed dishes are sure to intrigue any food lover with a playful palette. His children serve as the ultimate taste testers. When meals turn out less than ideal, they discuss what ingredients could be added to improve the flavor. He alters the dish accordingly, creating a culinary masterpiece. The success of his website has encouraged Jeremiah to write a cookbook, which is currently in the works. His cookbook will feature a wild game recipe for all 50 states.

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